vrijdag, mei 30, 2014
vrijdag, mei 16, 2014
Hide and seek.
In Detroit where I'm staying right now it does not feel comfortable to snap pictures on the street. People look weird at me and ask what the hell I'm doing?! Sometimes they come after me and follow me for a couple blocks. So I found myself a way to be discrete in taking my street pictures. I carry this crate with my camera and some other stuff around and act like I'm just carrying a crate right? When I see something I just take my time, always watch my surroundings but that should be common sense in Detroit and CLICK! got it. Hide camera in crate again and walk on.
The media has just a different point of view right?
You see two pictures of the same
object. I took both pictures within 5 minutes. The left one will appear in the national or international press if the reports are about Detroit’s debt or postindustrial related subjects. The right
one will appear in local press and will tell you about a new urban garden what
just was funded by a city or state based fund.
If I tell people about Detroit in Europe they always go like; 'Oh but Detroit is like a ghost town right?' Are there people living right now?' It’s not that strange
that the majority of people out of Detroit have a total wrong vision of Detroit in his current state. It’s been fed by the media. The left picture brings more sad feelings above and the
right one can make you happy because of the colors and the blooming plants give the picture a positive vibe. But unfortunately the
role of the media in our lives is not purposed to make people happy I guess...